What makes this Eastern Cape native so hard to ignore? At only 27, ClixWell has racked up a career that many 20-somethings would kill for.
He is a self-confessed foodie, sports lover and regards his mother as the source of his success. But, what really makes this man tick? Find out more about this Eastern Cape catch!
May: How would you describe yourself?
Clix: I am God's son.
May: Who would you say is your style icon?
Clix: Definitely David Beckham! It's easy to wear a fitted suit, but Beckham does the semi formal & casual thing equally well. He's too cool. Followed closely by Joshua Kissi, Google him!
May: Describe your personal style?
Clix: Casual, but dressy. I don't wear suits and button ups every day, so I have to find ways to incorporate a bit of flair into my casual day-to-day look.
May: What's the one thing you can't live without?
Clix: I know you said one, but I can't go without a good haircut & a good pair jeans. Nice, heavy, fitted, durable jeans.
Clix: It would have to be somewhere with lots of people around, so as to ease our nerves. Maybe a night at a theme park, or ten pin bowling and some drinks. The intimate stuff will come after the inevitable second date!
May: What's the one fashion trend you can't stand?
Clix: Haha um, bucket hats disgust me. I cannot stand them. I can't get into Jordans either - overpriced and overrated for me.
Clix: A plain white long sleeved button up shirt, a fitted suit, very good cologne, a good quality pair of jeans and strangely All Stars.
May: What inspires you?
May: What inspires you?
Clix: People with a great work ethic. People with passion. The idea of making someone proud of me & Gods love.
May: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Clix: I see myself heading up a family business in media with close colleagues. And being a shareholder in the biggest independent clothing brand in the country.

Now we know Qhagaros!