I'm a firm believer in
the #SayNoToLipgloss brigade - I'm not 10 and I hate looking as if I just got
oiled down by a member of the Jersey Shore cast. So, here are my top picks for
lippies which keep you moisturised, confident and don't lose their colour
after an afternoon cocktail.
Edition Velvet from Bourjois!
recently discovered this AMAZING lipstick after a trip trying out all the
samples at the makeup counter at Clicks. I'm often scared of trying out a brand
that I've never heard off, in fear of my lips suddenly turning grey or drying
out - but, this was probably the BEST mistake I've made in a while.

Lacquer Balms from Revlon!
new triple butter complex balms from Revlon, are an update from their old range
of matte crayons, and effectively outstay the latter. Think shinier, smoother
and with way more moisture than the matte range - plus, you're bound to find a
shade that suits your skin tone.
I love the fact that the lacqeurs are so versatile - they're light enough if you're feeling rather demure, but 2-3 applications can also give you a brighter finish. And, forget dry lips, as these glossy babies keep you hydrated for hours!
If you want your lipstick to last a little longer, try applying a concealer on your lips, before putting on lippie. This allows the true shade of the lipstickto shine through, and is great if the summer sunshine darkened out that pout.
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