I recently chatted to Jamie Saint - SA DJ, former 5FM extraordinaire, resident DJ on Hectic Nine 9 & all-round Gen-Y baby. I love being around 20-somethings who know what they want, do anything to get it & spread a little creativity wherever they go.
Jamie is one of those rare individuals who is just so darn down to earth, never toots his own horn and is always up for anything that allows him to live his dreams.

May: Describe yourself in a sentence.
Jamie is one of those rare individuals who is just so darn down to earth, never toots his own horn and is always up for anything that allows him to live his dreams.

May: Describe yourself in a sentence.
Jamie: A white thug.
May: Who is your style icon and why?
Jamie: I take my style cues from alot of different people, but I really dig a artist call Jay Ma! He's got a cali style that I like.. Flatpeak hats and vests!
May: Describe your personal style?
Jamie: My personal style is always changing. I love high tops, v-necks and flat peak caps, but I'm not afraid of a good button up shirt.
Jamie: My silver ring which I wear all day, every day.
May: Describe your perfect date?
Jamie: My perfect date.... this is a hard one! I rate just a cool night of doing things that weren't planned.
May: Who's the one artist you can't stand?
Jamie: I would rather skip this haha.
May: Which 5 items should all men own?
May: Which 5 items should all men own?
Jamie: Men should always own a great watch, a good after shave, a decent cap, a pair of shoes you can wear out & during the day, and good pair of sunglasses.
Jamie: My audience's passion for music!
May: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I would love to have my feet firmly in South African radio.
May: What quote do you live by?
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