Creative team Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg have transformed their blogging and photography expertise with their series of "cinemagraphs". The cinemagraph is essentially the mesmerizing consummation of their very different minds. Burg experimented with isolating the motion of an animated GIF file, while Beck wanted her audience to relive her experiences in their entirety. The two have breathed a new air of energy into the cinemagraph technique, by creating a whole new style of art for digital ads.
A pre-requisite to carving a career in the creative industry is having the balls to transform traditional thinking patterns, putting your unique spin on them, and then bending it into something unashamedly unfamiliar again. Imagine capturing the beauty of motion through a time-based approach, while continuously engaging your audience in the fixed nature of integrated timelessness? Obsessed.
“In the Mad Men era, if you wanted to be an ad man, you’d go to the bars where the ad men drink. As far as blogging or Instagram or Twitter… I wanted to keep going with my career in the fashion industry, so I just joined all the platforms that they were on. That’s like the watering hole. The modern, digital watering hole.” - Creators of Ann Street Studio