It grates my high-strung nerves when people confess their undying love for each other over social media - what are you trying to prove?

This is why I love Jay Z and Beyonce. They're like a mini powerhouse - with the charm of yesteryear, and just enough swag to pull off edgy rhyming couplets.
Jay and Queen B.
They're like a special brand of whiskey without the hangover. Everything they touch seems to turn to gold - plus, they've managed to resist the temptation to morph into single name status. Respect. We could all learn a thing or two from Queen B & Jay.

Broadcasting the inner turmoils of your love life kills the mystery of a relationship, and makes it easier for other people to add twisted commentary. No thanks.
I love ambition in a guy. Watching someone create the life they want is effing attractive, and makes you want to pursue your own goals. No one likes the lazy guy who sits on the sofa attached to a hip flask.

Get to know a person as a person - not as a potential love interest!
They say that the best relationships fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, flirt like first loves and make up like siblings.
Or maybe that's just my obsession with Hallmark greeting cards.

This is where you have to try and keep things fun and light - if your guy makes fun of the way you snort when you laugh, then just go with it. There's a huge difference between being a douche, and simply making fun of your boo's quirks!
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