I mean, if we lived in a world solely based on rainbows, butterflies and Oprah, then we really wouldn't place such an unrealistic emphasis on dating according to certain physical standards, right?

But, I really don't understand why the Blonde always wins in the game of three's a crowd - most men would likely pick the Candice Swanepoel over the brunette, right? The general consensus seems to be that blondes are perceived as fun, spirited, wildly kinky and don't give a rat's arse about what people think of them. The ultimate sex bomb.
Just take a look at Hugh Hefner, and his mansion overflowing with silicone - we may sneer at his raucous lifestyle, but many consider this to be The Dream.

Could the Blonde be The Thrill? Let's be real. Men are more likely to settle down with a brunette, as we're stereotyped as far more stable than blondes. Most blondes are incredibly sexy and get a substantial amount of attention, whereas brunettes simply aren't afforded the same thrill - there isn't as much competition over us, which is why we're though of as trustworthy. The keepers.
Men may lose their senses around the classic Blonde beauty, but brunettes are thought of as "marriage material".
Salma Hayek. Cheryl Cole. Miranda Kerr. Hell, even Miley Cyrus ditched the blonde Hannah Montanna locks and has proved that you don't need a specific hair colour to have some fun with a foam finger!
Boys, please don't play the game according to stereotypes. I understand that everyone has a type - I certainly do! F.Y.I it's called douche and I'm trying to escape it.
The problem creeps up when you start judging people before you get to know them, simply because they don't live up to certain physical expectations at first glance. Brunettes are just as desirable as blondes, just as fun, and yes, we do like to play the odd flirting game. Oh, and please don't take us so seriously.