If the girl's a little curvy? Shame. She obviously has issues, which have resulted in one-too-many butter loving trips to McDonalds - she's let herself go. In reality, the object of scrutiny is most likely of average size, or simply loves to lick her lips at the sight of a Streetwise Two. We're all allowed to eat what we love, without the fear of being judged for it, right? Sadly, we live in a society obsessed with the latest tummy tuck, which often negates from letting us merrily munch away.
We judge women judging other women. Success is often measured according to the dreaded number on the darn scale. The skinny on success? You're considered to be more successful, if your chin hasn't been plagued by the curse of the multiplying Oreos.
At the other end of the spectrum, we have thighs that rub together in glee, which obviously means that you aren't in control of your eating, and therefore you aren't in control of your life. There really doesn't seem to be any room for reasoning on this roller-coaster ride of sizing each other up.
Make it stop! LET US EAT CAKE. And, don't make us feel bad for it. My curves do not mean I'm lazy, and my collar bones certainly don't mean that I'm starving myself for Prada. You don't know anything about a person's life, simply because he/she looks a certain way. Live and let live, right?
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