Saturday 3 December 2011

Fashion Forward..Grad Style!

2011..almost over. Graduation - BRING IT ON! It really is weird to picture myself and several others, as being potentially ready to run wild in the big-bad-world. I feel as though it was just yesterday that I was watching cartooned dogs talk, while attempting to solve murder mysteries. Oh wait, that was yesterday (trust Scooby Doo on Boomerang to bring out my inner kid).

The point is that being a kid is fun. It comes with all sorts of perks, such as not looking shame-faced when you "ooh" and "ahh" while you run amok in Sweets from Heaven, or order a Happy Meal simply because the toy looks like potential late night fun. Try setting your PVR for the Zac Efron marathon when you're in your dreaded 30's! Yupp, does not really sound appropriate right? 

I had contemplated wearing black to graduation, as a sort of commemorative goodbye to my childhood. But, I then realised that embracing my inner kid in my 20s is ME. I will never stop "ooh'ing" over the latest novelty at Reggies, or press pause when Justin Bieber graces the screen (Bieber Fever YES PLEASE). SO, instead I chose a bright emerald green dress, something that said "I am ready to take on the world, so do not mess with my swag. Thank you. Sincerely, Girl-With-Degree". 

Graduation does not have to be a tedious and serious affair, complete with Gaudeamus Igitur ringing in the background. Dress to impress with a touch of "I am young, carefree and still think that Rascals need to be brought back". In my words, imagine that Michelle Obama and Lady Gaga went on a date, and had a baby (yes, the dreaded Gaga spawn would be your grad gear). So keep it cool, sparkly and HAVE FUN. You have earned that piece of paper! 

P.S. Sequins, numerous zips, jeans, leather and fur do not seem like good ideas. Just saying. 

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