Sunday 9 December 2012

Losing It

This was the piece that I wrote for Glamour SA in June this year. It basically chronicles my weight loss journey & how far I've come in terms of accepting myself physically.

It's a weird cycle of hate, self-loathing, acceptance, change & a little va-va-voom at the end! I'm big on eating right for yourself, and taking those baby steps all the way to the changing room at YDE. I've been there. And it's a nice place to be.
So, send me an e-mail if you have any questions on diet/exercise/anything-in-between - I promise to be nice :)


  1. haha you make me laugh lol :) The pictures could be used for a diet commercial ;) . Though on a serious note, well done May...know you've been through a lot and your accomplishments shine through you.


  2. Haha, well I wouldn't mind being the face of green tea & apple cider vinegar! Aww..Thanks Babushka - that really does mean alot! No lies..I miss the days of roaming Derben with our crazy mothers. Memories :)

  3. Haha the face of "Herbal Life" and "Hoodia" ;) .Ahh I love green tea! Any tea actually... Except for five roses. Yes! they were the crazy leaders and we were tweedle dee and tweedle doo ( their follow-behind minions) ... good times!

  4. Some great inspiration for me to lose some pesky kilos myself!
