Saturday 28 January 2012

Another slice of cake PLEASE!?

Christmas has come and gone leaving you with an extended waistline, and far too many pairs of Bridget Jones granny panties. SUCK IT IN. The fact is that this leaves you sounding like the long lost member of Alvin and the Chipmunks, while walking like you have something stuck up your (now larger) derriere.

Indulging in far too many mince pies and mojitos over the festive season is a MUST; it really is my motivation for listening to Boney M everyday during this "sunshine and rainbows" phase. Sadly, it also leaves you with a flair for wearing black all day, while chewing on a celery stick. Dropping the extra pounds during the post-festive season period should not mean that you have to starve yourself, while channelling your inner 1980's aerobics child (Think Madonna's Like a Virgin).
  • Eat foods which naturally speed up your metabolism, while lowering your blood glucose level - cayenne pepper, green tea, apple cider vinegar, grapefruit, merthi seeds, black coffee, really hot water, cinnamon and tons of spicy food.

  • Breakfast please. I really recommend eating a big breakfast, preferably high in protein. I often opt for eggs, as they are so high in protein that they keep you full for longer, and your body uses more energy in order to digest it. Wholegrain cereals such as All Bran flakes or oats are also amazing if you want to curb that appetite.

  • No fruit juices or soft drinks. I prefer to stick to green tea and water throughout the day, as you really do not want the extra kilojoules that come with sugar-laden juices.

  • I try to stick to fat free dairy products whenever I can. Think fat free cottage cheese on a toasted wholewheat pita when a pizza craving kicks in, and plain yoghurt with a sprinkling of cinnamon when you feel for a sugary snack.

  • People often focus on fat free products, but forget about the hidden sugar content of these sneaky foods. So NO 2min noodles (approximately 6tspoons of sugar), or white flour foods.
  • Try your best to stick to 5000kj a day, and 10 000 steps if you dare!
Have fun, indulge a little and do not deprive yourself. Tis the season to start over, a fresh start while learning to love your body. It really is about maximising your curves, so try not to turn into a boney little pooch who simply wants to look like the masses.

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