Tuesday 23 July 2013

Is the Royal family really Indian?

Try as hard as you can, but you  just can't get away from the arrival of the Royal baby. Lots of people say that they don't care - we don't live in Britain. 
We don't drink Earl Grey tea with our pinkies in the air. And, we don't look as if we're in a constant state of pain.
But, you can't mess with the relevance of a future king - the 'lil guy will be hogging the headlines for years. 
Every aspect of his silver-spooned upbringing will be named, shamed and scrutinized. So, get used to it people. 
I'm assuming that the baby will make his debut like this?

I recently came across an article that tickled my inner Indian to the core.

10 Reasons why the royal family has Indian blood. Enough said. 

1) Their weddings are massive and interminable.

2) Curry has been declared the national dish of Britain. 

3) Their family life is like a Bollywood soap opera, parties alternating with melodrama.

4) I bet passionate greenie Prince Charles dances around tree corners when no one is looking.

5) The main family finances come from palatial property holdings.

6) None of them have real jobs.

7) Despite living in the 21st century, they still think that living in a huge house with a massive number of servants is okay.

8) The young ones are terrible at studying, but still get into fancy private schools.

9) The men wear fancier clothes than the women.

10) There are endless disputes over tradition between old and young.


  1. This is FANTASTIC!! #2 What? That is so odd!
    #6 BEST because it's freaking true. I mean, since when is prince, duke, queen acceptable on your CV under previous employment. Although, I would love to be a secret princess, no lies!


  2. And not forgetting the "old lady" ruling the roost!
